Thursday, November 3, 2011

Tell Them

Join in my little community, a social network streams with different landscape of communications


Friday, May 27, 2011

Programming and Music

We can't say that we have all the same optics in life. But to learn and find ways to hit our targets is a huge compromise as part of a "being". Music is the universal language of the soul and the soul contradicts the negative and positive elements inside us. Programming is composing a codes, it is akin to Music by creating Melody and reading Music SHeeTs, other people  will disagree about this. Our minds has the capability to create judgement, it will depend to the arousal of ones perception to end up with his enthusiasm and select the best for him even thought its a hoax......check this topic -

Basic Web Development Solutions

You want to write your own piece like songs, poems and stories, and your target is a mammoth crowd of audience? then free hosted sites service is for you. Most of the developers forgot to consider that hosted web service is the best to become their sidekicks in developing their own content.

Web hosted solutions is not bad after all, they can easily be managed and automatically propelled the syndication of the content using the aggregators like RSS(Really Simple Syndication). The Google web site offers a variety of web service from blogs to web e-mails. The templates are already in the dashboard/main panel area, the end user has to activate it and start to choose the templates and layout of his own to rock in the internet.

There are Hosted Blogging services too, you can tell the globe of your stories and experiences or exchange ideas with the different races at the edge of the continent. The following blogging service are -, yahoo! 360- the address is Myspace is part of the bigtime innovation of FB, check There are lots of websites that offer services in the internet, but one thing of caveat! guard your self or you might embrace a catastrophe experience on the net.

If you gotten these hosted services. its about time for you to understand the web technology. How does the Web Technology works. Try HTML tutorial at w3cSchool.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Of Active-x and Programs

Before it was the OLE (object Linking Embedding) now its the innovation of frameworks to apply the various technology of the 3rd party programs that instigate applications of web, multimedia, stand alone programs, mobile, augmented systems and the network enterprise application.

According to the WIKEPEDIA ACTIVEX” is – is a framework for defining reusable software components in a programming language independent way. Software applications can then be composed from one or more of these components in order to provide their functionality.[1]
It was introduced in 1996 by Microsoft as a development of its Component Object Model (COM) and Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) technologies and is commonly used in its Windows operating system, although the technology itself is not tied to it.
Many Microsoft Windows applications — including many of those from Microsoft itself, such as Internet Explorer, Microsoft Office, Microsoft Visual Studio, and Windows Media Player — use ActiveX controls to build their feature-set and also encapsulate their own functionality as ActiveX controls which can then be embedded into other applications. Internet Explorer also allows embedding ActiveX controls onto web pages.”

I think framework is just a container or a monstrous IDE (integrated Development Environment) of the softwares where external libraries and links are catered by the host which is the framework.

To straighten the discussion, Activex speed up the programming process by means of Controls and elements. This is the artillery of the programmers, to erect a unique applications, no need to expand the systems by writing a curvy and spaghetti codes, it is designed to curb long codes and embrace the Rapid Application Design(RAD).

There are two types of control in the Vb framework , these are the Standard and and Intrisinc(hidden) control. Where can you find this? it is located in the Reference of the VB framework.

On the other hand OLE was (I think the current vehicle of activex) the vintage activex that automates the process of shelling other applications. It has the temerity to call external applications and create a logical simulation of linking the remote applications to the Hosts programs.

For example, Notepad could be the target program to communicate with the VB program. This is to link the host and the server using the OLE component of the Visual Basic. This is an old trick, but once you understand the principle, it could lead to a better innovation process.

You can share your thoughts, ideas or queries in the HOW TO column.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Principle of CMS

Everybody wants to develop their own portal in the internet.That's why the courses of computer science and Computer engineering were erected to study the profound theories of internet infrastructure as well as to deploy the data in the internet by means of different network gateways.

The HMTL is the most profound tool to commence a program in creating a website. The lexemes and other principles of programming structure should be integrated in designing a website. We will also consider the IPO process, this is the input-process-output. It is akin to data structure applications, the only difference is the tags use to dictate the browser to the display the data.

The content Management System is the results of milestone HTML improvements, and it created a huge difference in data communication. The HTML is part of it, there are new breeding of HTML that communicates to the core module of web development. The content of the web could be dynamic and static, but because of open sources that creates a niche in providing engine to back the different open source database and programs, the open source community for CMS were established by different organization, like Ubuntu, Zikula, Mambo,Drupal,Kubrick(b2 now Wordpress) and Joomla.

Though, open source is for free, the codes should be respected by the programmer and could be override for further improvements in order to become useful for the internet community. Most of the CMS are developed in Php. The Php was developed by Rasmus Lerdorf.

In CMS, the programmer and end user could easily enhance the page with out programming. It is like a control panel with different channels of application. There is the Themes,footer,header,images,templates,plugins and much more. It is easy to change the skin of the website if you are using the CMS product. For the advance users, they can integrate the scripts and snippets to add more plugins inside the web content. The hooks and Modules are included to build your page inside the page and provide social networks by means of calling the Hooks and the Modules.

Building a web content like blogs, e-commerce, social networks and other web applications are not a laborious tasks anymore. The pre-requisites to consider prior working a web project is the knowledge in HTML,web Technology,Database and CMS. From that point you can work out with your blooded design using the CMS.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Cloud apps not a clear Cloud?

According to the news, Amazon and Sony Play station Network suffered an interruption or what we call outage. The same thing that happens to Google that frail the services of their consumer blogging service.

The problems were compounded of the DNS server that preventing the users to use some web applications and devices. These constitutes a basket of woes to the computing enterprise that cloud app has some setbacks and it is still on its infancy stage to propel a stable network service.

We heard lots of things about cloud applications, this is the big thing in computing. By using it you have no dread to allocate, install, configure your data or collocate it, rather to use the applications without installation and accessing personal files at any computer with internet access.

Yahoo e-mail and Gmail is using the cloud application, these are giant companies that provide accounts  of  million subscribers and down time and DNS  anomalies should not be the dilemma. In Cloud application you need only the Internet connection to use the program.

The focus should point to security of the Cloud application, there must be a thorough check and monitoring of the Data, Network connection under the Cloud application. The melancholy thing is , even the Cloud Provider  themselves are experiencing this problem and it would be a dark CLouds to the computing arena if things will not be resolved.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Preventing spam on your blogs and Emails: Basic Information about CAPTCHA

Have you ever wondered that you received numerous spam comments in your blogs or unknown e-mails?these are unwanted requests and files from unsecured  websites that  you  have visited and downloaded in the internet. If you send a multiple emails to the same recipients the mail program is prompting you to validate your entry or to confirm your data before sending it to the recipient. This is to test if the web robot or computer is controlling the task in your PC and doing a sinister activity, one of this is spamming and freezing your browsing of that website in your PC (but other PC can view it) due to profuse request coming from unknown websites creating sessions to store information in your folder for online transactions.

CAPTCHA is a challenge of test to the human to answer but the computers cannot. This is to validate that applications and other functionality of the web programs  are controlled by the individuals not the computer or web bots. least, there will be a minimal problems of spam avalanche especially in e-mails and comments in your blog.

I think you are buffled with this term, CAPTCHA means - for Completely Automated Public Turing Test To Tell Computers and Humans Apart this was coined in 2000 by Luis von Ahn, Manuel Blum, Nicholas Hopper and John Langford of Carnegie Mellon University. The Yahoo was the first to used this technology.

Captcha provide the following security, these are : 1. Preventing avalanche of spam in blog comments text box. 2. Cheated voting polls 3.Password attacks  4. Defending fake Web Sites presence and Registration 5.Protection againts malicious Web Bots 6. Spamming  7. Worms

One thing, Web bots is useful to index a site so that it is readable to all users, but dilemma will occur if indexed site will be the sporadic target for malicious bots attacks. To negate spam and other malicious attacks it is better to apply CAPTCHA, to identify the data validation done by human and not by the computers.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

The power of Likes

Cartoon model of Ms.Like and Mr.Like

It is definite! it is like vs. tweet buttons, these are the behemoth battle of social marketing and campaigns in the internet. You can see these little buttons every time you stumble in different web content,like blogs,news,video blog,photo blog, entertainment and news,e-commerce, and mixed content. This is an automatic way to share and promote the sites to the other social media applications.

The likes technology is getting a mountainous respect from the social network community. Creating an applications or developing your own e-journal for promotion is an easy way with the support of free snippets and apps. The same thing with the twitter network. Just drop off your notes or personal diary with short text then you let the global community see your message.

What if? we constitute a segments of group, male and female to likes and to tweet? Ms.Likes and Mr.Likes the same thing with the twitter network. Sound weird. The market is evolving in the internet. The more you tweets and push the like buttons the arrays of presence you have in the internet community.

bukalph: Lowbat in computer coding

bukalph: Lowbat in computer coding: "I don't understand why the learning process of IT students here in the province of Iloilo is depleting, we have a good curriculum and even ..."

Friday, May 13, 2011

Lowbat in computer coding

I don't understand why the learning process of IT students here in the province of Iloilo is depleting, we have a good curriculum and even a scholarly programs for IT and CS subjects, but the meat of the matter is the deficiency of IT pedagogy for the students. We have an excellent curriculum but this could not suffice the students learning in CS and IT major subjects. Even though we are in the advance milestone of media and communication avenue, we can't deny the fact that there are few in IT and CS students can understand the course of Information Technology and Computer Science.

The tiny problem is the knowledge in "computing". It is not to compute numbers but to learn the different curves and intestines of the computer science technology theory and applications. Ask the IT students about the essence of getting the Computer Science and IT courses,then you will get a vague answers, why? there are no descent directions for the course! This is akin to computer subjects. We often see the rhetoric descriptive title that entice the student to take a shot in the IT and CS courses. Programming is not a course! it is a hodge podge of software developments and Systems Applications. Where to start and how to start? that is the a huge question.

Do you know what is programming? yes it is to define or to construed the objects,variables,methods,package,control,decision and reiterations of the code. How would you start a program with out learning the basics? A basic is the medieval stage of learning the foundation of the computer theory. You target is to identify the different types of data and its abstract groups. By the time you grasp the data structure then you can learn the mechanism of operating system various platforms and that includes the switching logic gates and design theory.

Start with the basic, it is imperative to dance with the data structure and mixed the theory of Computer Organization that will discourse the hierarchy models of hardware components. From that cogency you will perceive the functions of your computer devices and body networks. When you are learning the IT and CS subjects you should know the principles of computer organization. How would you enhance an 8KB to 16 KB? If you can't answer that question then you're simply categorized as a typical end user.

Using the Data Structure as a alliance to computing kingdom could eke your knowledge in data abstraction. The technology is borderless when it comes to inventions. You can't jump to one applications and perform any experimentations unless otherwise you know the very basic of "computing". The liberty to taste all the softwares capabilities is innocous, but it won't quench your thirst in learning the application.

The next step is to do the basic programming using the structural approach. The Structured programming is a hierarchy model that start with the first parameter, declaring the first statement as the header in public and private usage. You need to concentrate with the Basic operations, starting from the data types. This data types is your basic knowledge in Data Structure subject. This is where attributes of the data is explained, spectrum from int to double precisions-bytes and word.

C language by Ritchie and Kernigham is the best way to kick off your career as junior programmer. You should embrace patience and never embrace the sense of dread. If you understand the basic part of Data Structure, then you have all the world to understand the structural programming principles. The dilemma that struct down the students learning is the delivery of instructions from the teacher.(This is a prevalent cases) This is a malady of education system that prevails in the longest time and it won't melt down as a dilemma.

Master the decision support principles, using the nested and drop down if and else statement. Be careful about the attack to operands and operators. Let say this statement will create a lexeme, x=x+1 is bit the same to x++;.You know, this is the basic but it discloses the universal approach in programming languages. Never get tired to learn the reiteration and the logic gateway in testing the block of codes using the loops.

- - do{

}while (condition)

-- while(condition){

-- for(initialization,condition,increment){


These are codes, don't be confused and stay focus. I can still recall the students in IT and CS yesteryears that there weak point is to create "tiny" program to reiterate the numbers from one to 10 using the loop process. Programming is to get involve with the computer's objects and to erect a powerful house of functions. The essence of programming is to write the functions. Once you have the basic in structured programming you can defy the difficulties in writing a procedure and a function. Always practice this approach and never leave the principles of data structure, that will serve as a holy grail in coding.

Ball-Penning new issues -15,16,17

Please check the Ball-Penning page.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Javascript power

The web technology has increases its usability due to the demands of consumers all around the world. There are geeks,idiots,wannabe's whose talents are still unripe and want to disclose their skills in the internet,some of them has reached the apex of coding and hacking the web content because of the availability of internet  script,codes and snippets.Just imagine you are sorrounded of different informations, all types of data that in a single click can be yours in a minute by browsing the web.

The internet data are motored also by javascript programs. A little pop ups and banners that came along your way are programs weaved in javascript.A butterlfy that float and dynamic images that repeatedly  move horizontally and vertically are created in javascript.

How about getting some ideas to javascript? yet this is a client side programming but we can't predict the tails and extremeties of javascript. Remember Java is not a javascript and vice versa, they have a unique name and related names but they don't promulgate relationships. Javascript was originally the livescript from Netscape Navigator.

When the world wide web was presented to the researchers and developers in the global community, the javascript was born to bridge the cross platform of innovations via web. This has something to do with ECMA. - Ecma International is an international, private (membership-based) non-profit standards organization for information and communication systems.[1] It acquired its name in 1994, when the European Computer Manufacturers Association (ECMA) changed its name to reflect the organization's global reach and activities. As a consequence, the name is no longer considered an acronym and no longer uses full capitalization. -

Lets do the ABC of javascript code, an attack directly hitting the navigation bar of the browser to display the code. Open your browser, you can use filezilla,safari,IE or chrome, its your choice of your own comfort. The javascript command starts with  javascript: <- this is a code, a command, a syntax. Syntax is the structure of the command that executes the statements.

Now, try to type this javascript:alert('hello'); < you have two((2) commands here. The first command is fusing the javascript:, the colon telling the program to go in the "next statement"". The "alert" command is the output, there are basic things when doing the programming and even in scripting. This protocols are INPUT and  OUPUT. In this case we are commanding the script to display the world " hello" by using the command ->"alert('hello').

We are trying to instigate the principle of basic coding, using the primitive command in javascript- -ing. You can even ask the user to enter his name right in the browser location bar. using the javascript. How? this is the code, javascript:var ask;ask= prompt("enter your name"); The trick sometimes could lead to castastrophe, but we need to avert those things, the meat here is to learn the power of javascript technology.

As the javascript highlights its years in computing, there are new techniques and tricks in javascript that can deface the facade of the web content, using the ContentEditable of HTML5. But this is only a client side programming to twist  and curl the text of the website  and a don't agitate the data in the server.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Javascript is not Java?

Javascript changed the face of web technology, it produces a limitless developers to reach the high end of internet operation. Today, people are going gaga about the internet applications, that's because of increasing demands of net fibers in the market. Not only that, the power of social networks is glued to the daily routine of our lives. Most of the web applications were done in javascript.

But the meat of the matter is , javascript is not java. When Netscape constituted their browser,they added a script to powered their web browser. They called it as livescript,then the rest is history. Java was a robust application and it promised to run in a cross platform machine like unix, mac and windows.

Java could adapt the web technology programming, using its applets code and embed it inside the html tag. Remember Java was the product of beautiful mind from a genius computer scientist named James Gosling, one of the objective of Java is to run in a small device or machine that will accomodate the demand of the markets.

Java and javascripts are the in demand commodities in computing world,whether we like or not still markets and applications are soaring high because of java and javascripts.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Power of "Like"

Earn credits by clicking the sites you want and embrace the like button. We feel the plethora if someone’s has liken us in our FB accounts. This is a genuine idea of a person who invented the FB. “A CLICK” with the like button could bring you in the apex of popularity. Not to mention the other viral elements of syndicating the likes to your friends of friends. That depend how you disclose your profile to the Market.

Imagine with a single button like “likes” you can eventually change the world to something else, bringing the people in the niche and comparing them who is the best and who is hot or not. This is not a cliche but a reality, like button in facebook went to a mainstream of a different social media experience.

After likes there will be a fiasco? well just imagine if there is DISLIKE.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I am using as one of my project site,This is the mirror site of my blog->

Animation Basic:Decadence of Movement

Click to have a clear view

Key drawings is one of the ingredients that could provide a lucid movement of the objects. Creating a key drawing needs a balance of  mind to susbtantiate the  movements and dividing it to other action that will produce  the "in- between" frames. 

To start the activity, it is good enough to have 5 drawings and mark the core frames that would blend to the other drawings to complete the frames. Remember the more drawings you have the more in- betweens shall be made to adjust with the previous actions and daunt extra movements or giving a full blown movements like anticipation.

The style of drawing is one of the flavor that would attract the optics of the viewer, if you are doing a cartoony or an anime type then let your imagination run wild. Adjust your key drawing, create a pattern of it by using your character or a model. A true art is based on the artists imagination and if you don't possess that kind of thing then use the left side and the right side of your brain.

Movements plus timing could create a dashing animation, put numbers on the movement and mimic the real world, not to apply the realism of the action but to give a thin communication of exaggeration, from there you are doing your own world of animation.


Monday, April 18, 2011


Posting of articles will resume on April 24, this is to observe the Lenten Week.

The power of Basic

Basic refuses no power, and power refuses no basic. The evolution of computing started with the vintage programming- the Basic programming, I can still remember the vintage program of gWBasic and Basica, I used to code my program in  apple computer(the green screen) and in IBM PC computer.

The first thing that I learned was the medieval disk operating system to manipulate the boot up process and file handling management. We need to study the internal and external commands of DOS to to copy a file from another disk and to save a file. Before the basic program was hoarded in the memory of the computer, during the boot up process it will automatically proceed to the basic program.

The father of basic stuff  is Alan Cooper (correct me if I'm wrong). Basic created a ladderization of improvements from simple data crunching to class and object oriented programming.From a unique calling procedure to branch in a target line number using the GOSUB command.The GOSUB command leverage its function to a procedure and event programming in Visual Basic. Basic hoisted its name in the apex of computing.

The famous SCREEN,PSET,PRESET,GET,PRINT and LOCATE commands unleash the graphical prowess of basic to dictate the usefullness of gaming algorithm while  the PEEK and POKE play around with low level programming in storing the value to the memory address.

Here is the tiny vintage code in basic.

10 cls
20 rem-prg by. Dr.F
30 let x = 10
40 let y = 10
50 let total = y+x: for i = 1 to total: print chr$(i):next i
60 end

Did you notice that Basic is a  bit akin to Python?

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Basic Cartooning

If you don't know how to draw, you can still hit the drawing board  using the traditional method-pen and paper or you can use the technology, like computer to draw the different objects.Let us attack the problem. Our mission is to create a basic Cartoon character. You can use the Paint Brush to draw, remember that drawings are compose of lines and shapes. Prepare your pencil and paper and start to draw the vertical line and slepping lines, fill up the paper, don't pressure your hands.

The purpose of creating lines is to warm up your fingers and wrist. Practice this technique everyday for 5 Minutes, compare your previous works to your current work. If you are comfortable of doing the lines then its about time you indulge your self to draw the elipse/circle. Fill up the paper with circles.

There is an adage "patience is a virtue" prior going to a combat mission you must equip your self with profuse training and carry a full metal jacket against your foes. Perfection of circle needs an aide of a computer program, for example, you can use the Photoshop or a basic graphic program of Paint Brush.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Useful tutorials

The net is the avenue of different information, it is a limitless and endless form of different transactions and labyrinth of communication, anybody can erect there own brick and mortal offices with out a huge capital to install a physical office or building. Here in the net, using the net fiber anyone has the freedom to explore their inclinations and extremes thoughts to cross the different cultures and make a bundles of friends across the globe.

I would like to fuse this blog, one of my student in IT, she is inclined to visual graphics and digital design, as a matter of face she earned units in basic animation and nocturnal computer operator that explore the world of computing.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The DMR Legacy

I saw in that Dennis Ritchie and his colleague Ken Thompson is retiring? I haven’t heard about new things about C development (Richie and Thompson). Today the quick change of computing brought us a new world of computer science innovation, advocating the Linux and its allies-php, apache and mySQL, everybody knows about Linus the author of Linux, and it is huge dismay because few people know about Dennis Richie and Ken Thompson who started the modern era of computer programming and that is C language, the mother of all computer languages that stir the world of computing.

With C, low and high level were form together to be understood by everyone in the computing world. The original struc and enum was constituted and paradigm of I/O gives birth to process the external and internal devices to communicate with different data types.

DMR? – Dennis MacAlistair Richie

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


This is my first attempt to test my research, using the speed drawing of Ball-Penning, all in black, a rugged stroke that connotes expression of the objects, I am fusing 4 pages of comic here as a preliminary output.

Click the pix to have a clear view 


Basic Ball-penning #1

Click the pix to have a clear view

Basic Ball-penning #2

Click the pix to have a clear view

Basic Ball-penning #3

Click the pix to have a clear view

Basic Ball-penning #4

Click the pix to have a clear view

Monday, April 11, 2011

Bal-Penning: Speed drawings

This is part of my Bal-Penning research, I created this drawing using the Balpen, a direct drawing that evade a prior style of penciling.Just click the picture below to have clearer view.

Skin of Web Basic

Everybody is going gaga about the web technology, learning the web operations especially in creating a web site or a web applications need an array of knowledge in web computing. This may sound bad but the ultimate quest to web kingdom is to learn the web organization, it is akin to computer organization subject, learning hierarchiecal approach of computer operation.

What to learn? Read the web technology, the fundamentals of network connection, how does the HTTP and Browsers works and deliver the request using the HTML as a readable output for the viewers.Embrace the HTML and XHTML codes to deliver your piece of verses in your application. Sounds weird but, coding in XHTML or HTML is extremely easy, read books on HTML that illustrates the basic syntax and semantics of the code.

To have steady a design, study the basic of CSS(Cascading Sytle Sheet).Start with a simple CSS and begin to fuse it in your page. The purpose of this is to have steady templates with out a tedious coding of layout in every page. The modernization of web technology created a modern interfacing of different organizations the supports the web programming. Integrate the CSS in your code or create an external file with .CSS extension.For now you are bit baffle how to implement this instruction, but once you have started and push the pedal, there's no stopping of a web viral coding/

Check this from CSSTUTORIAL.NET

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Ball-penning: Creating a new style of speed drawing

Comics illustration established the show on the canvass while animation is created with continues action to evade apathetic mode of the scene, animation is to blend the drawings to create action and established the strokes and position of the object, a bit congruent principle applied in illustration. In illustration, the action is established in the canvass with fine strokes, in animation there is a clean up process that would calculate the motion and anticipation of movements that will match the camera movement. I would rather watch an indie artist/illustrator to play around with his canvass using the speed drawing movements.This display the artist motor skills matching his/her right and left side of the brain to eke his ability to produce a compelling strokes.Look, speed drawings quench the thirst of the artist to deliver the beyond imagination of his being to communicate on the canvass, the more he thinks of a beautiful ideas the more it is hoarded to his brain and its like a spring of fountain that will burst out,time and space should not be the issue if he can spur the drawings in his canvass.

This jargon "Ball-penning" is a pilot to coined a new style of speed drawing, I will consider the seconder principle of Shamus COlhane, indeed the speed drawing principle could be an sharp tool to reach the end point of animation and illustration. One of the key is the inclination and focus to the craft. I am starting this as a formula to create an online gaming and perhaps a campaign for speed drawing using the "Ball-penning" approach.

A short information about "Ball-penning"

1. Using a Ball-pen or Ink only,(color pencil coloring only)
2. Speed lines application
3. No Penciling, a direct attack of ink to the canvass
4. Defying time and space to deliver a quick output.
5. Applicable to Graphic Novel, comic book, comic and ANIMATION

So far, these are the bullet ideas that I can formulate.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Get hired and work immidiately!

Work immidiately and hone your skills.

Basic Story Boards:Basic Comics Paneling

This is one of my rough storyboard using the Panda Ballpen,click the picture to have a clearer view

Creating a story board is an option to create a scene in animation, you can use bundles of software(yes you can use Graphics editor to draw a story board)to design a story board. A story board depicts the layouts and the scene of the animation and film making. A good start to create a story board is using the bond paper, the short size will do to start a rough layouts for you project.

How to create a storyboard? defining the short flic title is very important, and the story it self should ride at the end part of the script. Create an equal size of box in your paper or bond paper and start to work/draw your story. A caption can guide you to draw the scene, you can also put the call outs for the dialogues.

What is it there in storyboards? most of the advertising companies and movie outfit use the story board to map out the target output, the complexity is the required design for the product that will hit to the market. Some of the artists and illustrators earned a living by doing story boards for multimedia company and advertising houses.

WEB SERVICE SOLUTIONS leverage your web application

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Computer Organization:Managing the Primary Storage for Programming

Declaring variables can eat lots of memory? yes, it can eat a lot, but look, the technology today defaced already the vintage computer from the past, before it wast PC 8086 and PC 8088 this is the XT and AT technology that operates in a small range of capacity, running in 8 bits to run the .com and .exe files. What we have today is the arsenal of memories that propel speeds and signals to accept different types of data. The principle of computing before programming is to learn the different tasks of the computer, I think this is a universal protocol, number 1 the computer INPUT the data, 2.ACCEPTS the Data, 3. PROCESS the data 4. OUPUT the data and 5. CONTROL the data. From these basic functions you can easily determine the functional side of the main storage, this is the CPU (Central Processing Units). Functional unit of CPU are the Arithmetic Logic Unit, the one that calculates the data, converting them in the digital switches to form 0 and 1, this is the binary, the Control Unit or CU take charge the evaluation (I use this term to be more measurable)and passes the data to the CPU.

Now, how about the Primary storage? we have the volatile and none volatile memory, there are programs that after the computer operations are gone when you ceased the computer, and there are programs that stays whenever you turn it on and turn it off.In yesteryears, the power of TSR(Terminate Stay Residents) programs are the powerful applications that dominates the DOS and Windows Utility, this programs are powered by a special registers and Interrupts using the INT 27H of assembly languages.

Storing the ABSTRACT groups to the memory takes a value and covered the speed of the processor, but, this is not any more a huge dilemma, computing is a progressive linear programming, meaning memory management will guide the programmer to take a route in the best alternative to build an application. Creating a variables in software engineering aspects might consider sluggish effect but as the course of technology is improving the Cache Memory and I/O design of the Busses will leverage also the round up principles of Computer programming.

Let us not forget that there are robust applications that still uses the medieval approach of file handling operations, for instance there are still company that the tail of their systems are spawned in COBOL,this program declare lots of value to mirror the speed of reporting and queries of the data, there are programs that runs in an interpreted compiler and hybrid compilers. As the programming method is evolving, the processor manufacturer also developed their processor(CPU) to match the requirements of the program.

The techniques in memory management is to know the pattern of coding, The Very basic question is how do you declare a Variable? that's a 3 steps cycle, knowing your data and the Abstract data types.If that is the problem then variables should be evaded and ternary operation/functions should take charge everything to avoid the hierarchiecal programming,this can cause a cascade of drawbacks.

The structural programming needs the alliance of a variable to create references, point a value to the variable, point to the address of the variable, store a value to a variable and lots of memory crunching handling.This act of programming is very simple and basic, it is imperative to declare a variable to serve as reference to the value and telling the computer to reserve a blocks of memory.There are programming language like C and Java that whenever you declare a data type, automatically the location/memory reserve a value on it. Like for example the INT, integer.

STRUCT recno {

char name[30];
char address[40];
} myrec;

FILE *filepoint;


if(fopen==("c:\xx\redata.txt","w"))!=NUL) {
strcopy( = "KDJFSKDJFKS");
strcopy(myrec.address = "sdfjskdfjskfjsk);



printf(" File not found \n");


The Object Programming is to understand the Classes, what is a class? it is the blue print of the program. Variables declaration might take up chunk of memory but this is not a dilemma, the technology was invented to match the pattern of applications.The vistas of notion to manage the memory might change to other technical paradigm as the technology push to its high level of application.Whether it is binary,web,event programming etc. the pattern of memory management may vary in some instances of its usage but with this kind of technology that we have right now, woes and burn outs on eating space of extra memory is not a problem any more.

bukalph: Defying IT Trepidation: Maximizing the IT Resource...

bukalph: Defying IT Trepidation: Maximizing the IT Resource...: "We are always bombarded with the latest trends in computing, gamut from mobile applications to augmented reality. The IT Trends is extremel..."

Defying IT Trepidation: Maximizing the IT Resources

We are always bombarded with the latest trends in computing, gamut from mobile applications to augmented reality. The IT Trends is extremely moving fast like a bullet train with out rushing to fuel station to exonerate, but it is keep on moving and fusing an avalanche of newest trends. The Internet is one of the biggest virtual place in the whole world where minds of different colors and skins converge to create a waterfalls of innovation. If you bought a PC or Laptop two years ago with a container of 50gig then its not a substantial storage anymore to store your data.Today the cloud applications and transmission of Representational State Transfer with API's are starting to capture a wider applications.

The primary storage of today's computer is leveraging to another door of detail development to capture the market.Before it was the hype of using the Friendsters account, now, it is the FB that dominating the social network sites, millions of people around the globe are indulge in this ardent applications.

Which would you prefer? DIGG over FB? a Twitter over StumbleUpon? these are the curtain raiser questions for the Social Media hype users. If you have an old account in Friendster then you can still use it, there are still FS users that are active and doing a usual viral network campaign in the net. But big players like FB , Twitter, Myspace, Ning and DIGG are superiors in web marketing, The continous increase of social network users everyday is already a close call to a potential markets from these social network sites.

Banking of knowledge in today's trends is not that difficult, you can automatically open your mobile gadgets and check the latest trends in the field, stick with the most common applications that act as an organic in your everyday usage. Like for example the latest trends in computing education, there are lots of topics about it, one of this is the behemoth information about web programming, like Python, Ruby,C#, VB etc. As information technology upgrade, you must increase also your knowledge to catch of today's pattern way of IT Learning.

Don't fear of the new gadgets, it's just a gadget, be prudence in choosing your gadgets or computer for your own application, be sure that, what ever did you choose, like social applications builders,then it could develop your moral obligations as an individual not a hoax or hoodwinked in the net.Trying new gadgets and latest technology innovations are the positive influenced of cultures that sorround us. Don't settle for less, but try to seek more advancement, with this notion we can build a better PH.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Basic Drawing:Freehand draw with liberty

I draw this thing using the Panda Ballpen, nothing comes at the back of my head,I just push the tip of my pen at the surface of the paper and start to create an aplique lines and produce this drawing. The Illustration is bit a metal caricature that expose the different skins of the people in the society. The person setting on the chair is doing the baffling box of puzzle to communicate with the different "substance" that inked in his head.If you notice, this is a direct drawing with out pencilling, an example of a continues exploration of speed drawings using the speed lines.

Cube Basic Guide to Drawing II

Our motor skills involved the stick figures of our body, from lower extremities to bottom extremities.There is no reason that we can't draw different objects. Drawings that displayed a good contour and ink style strokes with out a pragmatic looks could kill the illustration and other elements of the Object. Artists are free and they have liberty to explore the different medium in drawings. The questions are the following to achieve a basic drawing gamut to good drawing. 1.Did you apply the solid drawing? 2.Does it have proportions/Balance? 3.Did you apply the x factor to basket it with a good appeal?..there are lots of questions about drawings.

As far as cube method is concern, it is ubiquitous that the high end technology could spur the use of 3d dimensional drawing with out scratching 100 pieces of papers and put it into the dustbins, because computers can help the artist to draw different objects to create a perfect cubes and other objects. Cubes are use to start building different 3d objects, it can be found in the MESH (jargon of 3d application softwares).

To achieve the perspective of drawing, again, you need to nail your drawings in your paper/canvass and start to create a freehand draw on cubes and lines.Diddle your time with it and perfect it, as the saying goes...patience is a virtue, to achieve it, you need to practice it and apply it.

Drawing is applicable to the increasing demand of Multimedia Technology and one of it is E-learning Media.Next is Digital Multimedia and Basic of Animations.

Cube Basic Guide to Drawing

The proportion of drawings comes from the basic transistion of basic mathematics calculation, but it doesn't mean that you will brace your self in pounding numbers, but of course it is extremely crucial to learn mathematics. In this case, we will use the descriptive ideas to illustrate the importance of cube. I am sure you understand the cube, an object like a box and space inside. This is use to guide the artists and even the novice users to attack the proportion of drawing. For example creating a building, house,landscape and even the human anatomy. Yes, this is part of the so called technical drawing, thru technical drawing anybody can measure the depth and space of the object.

How to start with the cube? draw a box and create a simple version of a 2d drawing, don't push your drawing to hard to reach the end of perfection, just draw it with enjoyment and once your hands got the rythm then create more cubes. Never mind the unlined points just draw until you perfect it, anyway you are not dealing on numbers, but to the angle of proportions.

The cube can highten your illustrations, like for example if you are creating a background and different objects.Drawing in perspective requires a great proportion and understanding the lines and its direction to connect on the optic perception of the viewer.

Skills can be acquired later if you practice your ability(Plato's principle was, to learn more is to practice and gain experience every day), erasures are normal, but once again I would like to reiterate this, don't pressure your self, focus and keep on practicing, there are basic books on drawing, but thru reading and peeling information on the web can increase your knowledge.

Friday, April 1, 2011

I am creating the original content of this blog to a new domain, the name is The word "bukal" means spring and fountain of knowledge, for now I have the felicity to experiment this name.Different topics in computing, various discipline of studies and other information that would create a waves of interaction will be posted in this new domain. This blog under the social service of will serve as a mirror to create a VIRAL campaign to the netcitizens. I will post the "cubes", part of drawing principle this week.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Basic of Drawing

Technical aid of drawing, using the sphere to create the face. (c) Dr. Fuentes 2011
      This is a straight and forward discussion( I'm not telling that I am a good artist, but a continuation of research and getting more the high end approach of drawing). How to draw? to draw is to have inclination of lines. The lines are very important, it conveys the contour of the object and affix the signature of the character.

     The example of the thumbnail drawing glued in this blog was the principle of Colhane theory, correct me with the spelling of "Colhane". From the very beginning it is extremely crucial to draw the circles and cubes to measure the proportion of the face and different parts of the body. Drawing is a broad exercises to convey the artists perception, but in this case you can create your own style.

    To mimic the human movement is a hoax, that's why the medium of different arts is flowing like a stream to create a very fulfilling output that is pleasant to the eyes of the viewers. Good and Bad Drawings are still part of the emerging status of human capacity to spawned his/her ability to express what he/she feel.

   Steps to draw
   (1st day,spend your time - 5 minutes)

              1. Get your paper, any paper.
               2. Draw a circle, any sizes, then create 10 circles with the same size across the paper.
               3. Draw circle in the 2nd row, increase it to 20
               4. Draw circle in the 3rd row, increase it to 30.
    Okey let us use a simple mathematics here, when you escalate the numbers of circles, yo need to deplete the size of your circles.

 2nd Day      
    (2nd day,spend your time - 5 minutes)

            1. Follow the instructions in the 1st day.
            2. Create circles with a bit of speed, no erasures.
            3. Create 20 circles with the same size
            4. Cover your paper of circles with 15 rows (20 circles)

 3rd Day
           1.Follow the steps in 2nd day
           2.Now do the same exercises

  4th day

           1. Follow steps in 3rd day
           2. Draw a circles with speed, no erasures.
           3. Compare your drawings to the previous exercises.

  See the result?? that is the basic to embrace the linear system of drawing. Next is the Curves and Cube.

Of Basic Animation and Drawings

This is a thumbnail animation using the BallPen (c) Dr. Fuentes 2011

Drawing is the imagination of one's beautiful mind to convey his/her ideas in the paper or in the canvas, the smart things about our being is the limitless to draw a  colorful ideas. How to draw? there are numerous internet site that will give a balance with basic pedagogy of drawings. 

If you want to draw, the first thing is to have a normal perception in life, you can't put things in white board or in any wall of canvass with rancor in your heart. Drawings are composed of line, curves and visibility of characters (attitude of the objects.). Today you can instantiate things like creating a perfect lines and circles and shapes using different drawing softwares and graphics editor.

Search Andrew Loomis to give you a homily on the Human Anatomy, if you want cartoons or caricatures then go to and feel free to type your topics in drawing basic. The example picture glued at the top of this blog is a fast drawing principles, meaning no spheres and cubes, a direct attack to the surface of the paper. 

To perfect the angle and perspective of the drawing, the secret is? practice and have inclination to lines and arts.

Web Basics and Multimedia

I don't have the temerity to say that Multimedia is the premium accounts of computer scientist and Information Technology practicioners, but in this world  profuse of electronic wireless connection, everything is a fast pace of legalizing their own perception towards technological innovation. Today, the trends of web technology is growing and it is a mountainous business in the social network application avenue. Before it was the MIRC now it paddles the boat to reach the high end cogency of social media blogging and social network technology-facebook and twitter.

Web Basic? yes it is the origin and root of all sources, the necromancers, the scientist,writers,educators,super heroes,cigarette vendors,"istambay", lovers..its a endless queue of colors who are defying the events by means of blog and social applications.

Things to remember, the basic of web technology is the basic of multimedia. Why?because before the world wide web (designed by Dr. Tim Berners Lee) we embrace the mediaval form of interaction, that's how we mold our self to contain the problem of other people and our society. We often heard this jargon, HTTP,WWW,POKE,FB, TWITS, RSS, HTML, HACKING and a lot more. What with these jargon? it is our moral obligation to become a watch dog in this world, full of labyrinth and piled of jungles.

The "Jungle" is the place where we live and communicate to the elements wired information through Net Fibers(internet). On the other hand, information todays has an expiration date, as it grow and change every minute and information converge around the globe.That is the significance of Multimedia, the promotion of behemoth information, not only on the world wide web application but as a vistas of the people plight to combat conflicts and raise the issue of progress.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Drop Ideas about Computing Ed

This is a short and simple arithmetic how to become a good programmer and practitioner of CS and IT, don’t ask me what is CS and IT (we are part of it because of our inclination to computing). First, to become proficient in Computing, learn to embrace the very basic of computer education. Study the basic framework of computing, that comprises the Information Technology and Computer Science.
These are the things need to strengthen your brain a “bit” in order to eke your hippo campus. Read the Computer Organization, how it works and what are the trends of computing that propel innovations. Study the very basic of Data Structures, how does QUEUE works and pounding the POINTERS and ARRAYS to automate and leverage your memory dashboards for your applications. Next Study the Principles of Computer Programming and its attributes. SYNTAX is very important, the same thing with the SYMANTICS.
By knowing the basic of ABSTRACT stuff or what we call abstract groups and how do you declare it with dissecting its intestine is very crucial.
Try it! that’s an added points to become a warrior.
- Dr.Fuentes