Declaring variables can eat lots of memory? yes, it can eat a lot, but look, the technology today defaced already the vintage computer from the past, before it wast PC 8086 and PC 8088 this is the XT and AT technology that operates in a small range of capacity, running in 8 bits to run the .com and .exe files. What we have today is the arsenal of memories that propel speeds and signals to accept different types of data. The principle of computing before programming is to learn the different tasks of the computer, I think this is a universal protocol, number 1 the computer INPUT the data, 2.ACCEPTS the Data, 3. PROCESS the data 4. OUPUT the data and 5. CONTROL the data. From these basic functions you can easily determine the functional side of the main storage, this is the CPU (Central Processing Units). Functional unit of CPU are the Arithmetic Logic Unit, the one that calculates the data, converting them in the digital switches to form 0 and 1, this is the binary, the Control Unit or CU take charge the evaluation (I use this term to be more measurable)and passes the data to the CPU.
Now, how about the Primary storage? we have the volatile and none volatile memory, there are programs that after the computer operations are gone when you ceased the computer, and there are programs that stays whenever you turn it on and turn it off.In yesteryears, the power of TSR(Terminate Stay Residents) programs are the powerful applications that dominates the DOS and Windows Utility, this programs are powered by a special registers and Interrupts using the INT 27H of assembly languages.
Storing the ABSTRACT groups to the memory takes a value and covered the speed of the processor, but, this is not any more a huge dilemma, computing is a progressive linear programming, meaning memory management will guide the programmer to take a route in the best alternative to build an application. Creating a variables in software engineering aspects might consider sluggish effect but as the course of technology is improving the Cache Memory and I/O design of the Busses will leverage also the round up principles of Computer programming.
Let us not forget that there are robust applications that still uses the medieval approach of file handling operations, for instance there are still company that the tail of their systems are spawned in COBOL,this program declare lots of value to mirror the speed of reporting and queries of the data, there are programs that runs in an interpreted compiler and hybrid compilers. As the programming method is evolving, the processor manufacturer also developed their processor(CPU) to match the requirements of the program.
The techniques in memory management is to know the pattern of coding, The Very basic question is how do you declare a Variable? that's a 3 steps cycle, knowing your data and the Abstract data types.If that is the problem then variables should be evaded and ternary operation/functions should take charge everything to avoid the hierarchiecal programming,this can cause a cascade of drawbacks.
The structural programming needs the alliance of a variable to create references, point a value to the variable, point to the address of the variable, store a value to a variable and lots of memory crunching handling.This act of programming is very simple and basic, it is imperative to declare a variable to serve as reference to the value and telling the computer to reserve a blocks of memory.There are programming language like C and Java that whenever you declare a data type, automatically the location/memory reserve a value on it. Like for example the INT, integer.
STRUCT recno {
char name[30];
char address[40];
} myrec;
FILE *filepoint;
if(fopen==("c:\xx\redata.txt","w"))!=NUL) {
strcopy(myrec.name = "KDJFSKDJFKS");
strcopy(myrec.address = "sdfjskdfjskfjsk);
printf(" File not found \n");
The Object Programming is to understand the Classes, what is a class? it is the blue print of the program. Variables declaration might take up chunk of memory but this is not a dilemma, the technology was invented to match the pattern of applications.The vistas of notion to manage the memory might change to other technical paradigm as the technology push to its high level of application.Whether it is binary,web,event programming etc. the pattern of memory management may vary in some instances of its usage but with this kind of technology that we have right now, woes and burn outs on eating space of extra memory is not a problem any more.